Thursday, March 27, 2014

Companion Planting

One thing I am surprised about is that companion planting has been used by farmers and gardeners  for thousands of years, yet I did not know about it and it seems a very intuitive way of planting. Companion planting and "organic" gardening are actually the same thing. The idea is simple, if you don't want to use pesticides in your garden, so that you don't harm, chemically, the fruits and vegetables you are growing, you should rely on planting vegetables or fruits or herbs that help your plants to grow without becoming infested by harmful  insects and or diseases. What happens is that some plants help other plants by either providing the needed nutrients or repelling the harmful insects or pests or attracting the pollinating agents... It is a wonderful work of cooperation!

The ecosystem in which these plants live is that of cooperation and interplay between different plants, insects and nutrients and each party has a role. Can you imagine that roses love garlic? Beans fertilize the soil with nitrogen and basil protects peach trees from getting infected. And the list is long! Check the following url:, for more information. 

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